Monday, November 25, 2013

Street Child World Cup welcomes first ever Kenyan Team

Kenya has joined those countries taking part in the Street Child World Cup in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in March 2014.  The tournament takes place alongside a unique international street children’s conference demanding street children receive the protection and opportunities that all children are entitled to. Kenya will join 20 countries from across 5 continents challenging the negative perceptions and treatment of street children around the world.
The Kenyan team are from across the country and are part of Glad’s House, a charity working with street children through education and safe reintegration.
Cliff Ferguson, Chairman of the charity, said: “Being part of the Street Child World Cup is fantastic for us – we hope to use this opportunity to change people's perception of street children and to show how they can be reintegrated into society. We’re delighted to be involved and can’t wait to get started with training sessions.”
Glad’s House has a history of using football to enrich the lives of street children, helping them leave street life behind. They have worked with thousands of street children in Kenya, providing lasting ways for kids to turn their lives around through enterprise and schooling. Their ultimate goal where possible is reuniting children with their families and reintegrating them into society.   Accountancy firm Ernst & Young are the teams main sponsors.
Street Child World Cup Teams Coordinator Karin Joseph said:
“Glad’s House is already using the power of sport to change the perception of street children in Kenyan society. This team will become a symbol for street children in Kenya to reach their potential away from the streets."

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