Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tusker's reality show to take beer bottle in 50 day Nairobi - London trip

25 teams from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania will set off on an exciting journey across 13 countries to take a Tusker bottle from Nairobi to London in 50 days in Tusker Twende Kazi, a new television reality show.
Tusker Twende Kazi”, which to date ranks as a groundbreaking and the most audacious investment by Kenya’s iconic beer brand is creating entertainment content aimed at the mass market and aired across the East African Community. It will feature a cast of 25 well-known East African celebrities, and 25 East Africans from all walks of life.

14 well known Kenyans from the music and sports fraternity will team up with 14 Kenyans from all walks of life who will be chosen through an elaborate selection process between December 13, 2013 and February 13, 2014.  The competition will take place over a 50 day period and will traverse a total of 13 countries. The rest of the contestants will be cast from Uganda and Tanzania.

Working in a relay team, the 25 teams will criss-cross two continents, with only their clothes on their backs and will have to rely on the local communities to help them find their way and complete their assigned tasks successfully.

“As we join Kenyans’ in celebrating the 50th anniversary of independence, this show is meant to demonstrate the resilience of the Kenyan spirit to achieve whatever it sets out to do. This show is tailored to reflect Kenya’s coming of age,” said Eric Kiniti, Corporate Affairs Director, KBL

The six-month campaign is yet another milestone for the 91 year old brand that has traditionally been associated with the Kenyan spirit of resilience and celebrating life together.
“With the help of East Africans we will send a Tusker on an incredible journey carried by 50 of East Africa’s finest over mountains, through valleys, across deserts and seas, to bring a smile to our distant son, Humphrey Kayange, but more importantly to bring us together and ignite the belief that we can do anything,” added Kiniti.
 “This show is about pulling together and overcoming challenges to achieve our goals. If our journey has taught us one thing it’s this – that a little bit of Kenya can go a long way. So when they say, It is impossible, we say, we’re Kenyan.” He concluded.
The 50 participants will be divided into pairs, a celebrity and an ordinary “mwananchi”. It will be exciting to see the dynamics involved, the inter-personal relationships among the competitors while we celebrate the “never say die” attitude of Kenyans and our brothers and sisters from the neighbouring countries.

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